Costume guide

Costume guide

There are many types of clerical robes and clothes, all with different functions and worn by different Christian denominations. Here is a handy guide, using photos of all our own stock. Click on the images/names for information on variations, and on how, when, and by whom each item is worn.
Please note this is not an exhaustive list. We have aimed to cover the most common and important items.
Terminological notes: “Catholic” with an upper-case C refers to the Roman Catholic church/denomination, while “catholic” with a lower-case c refers to high-church inclinations more generally, and is used interchangeably with “Anglo-catholic”.
“Anglican”, “Church of England” and “CofE” are also used interchangeably.

Clerical shirt
Worn by most priests as day-to-day shirt while on duty

Surplice & cotta
A loose-fitting white robe worn over the cassock on some occasions

Chasuble & stole
The most sacred vestment, worn for the Eucharist/Mass

Bishops’ robes
Bishops wear some unique robes and jewelry
The base layer for most robed occasions


Long white robe worn for Eucharist (and some other) services

A ceremonial cloak worn for special occasions