Who’s who

Peter Wagstaff
Managing Director

Peter has twenty years’ experience in Church liturgy and history, having worked in several roles in a number of churches and cathedrals across the UK.

He advises clients on the costumes they need, helping them put together an outfit which meets their aesthetic requirements while also being accurate and authentic.

As well as Vestus, Peter runs SceneSpan – advising historical TV & film on authenticity across all departments, through development, design, production and post.


Helen Wardle
Head of Fabric & Design

Helen has decades of experience working as a designer, textile artist, restorer, and costumier.

She is responsible for designing and constructing the many complex, bespoke robes which Vestus supply to TV and film productions.

She is also expert in historical fashion and textiles, and supports Peter in advising clients in this area


Want to speak to Peter or Helen? Don’t hesitate to